Beesyssla- Organic varroa free beekeeping in Åland
The goal of organic beekeeping is to produce high-quality beekeeping products with as little environmental and climate impact as possible. As an organic beekeeper, you follow the EU’s common directives, as well as local regulations. Organic beekeeping is always certified and supervised production. In Åland, the provincial government is responsible for monitoring. In organic beekeeping, beehives made of wood or other natural material are used. Within the flight area of the bees, there must be no sources of pollution such as landfill sites, indrustri facilities, or roads with dense traffic. The apiaries are placed at organic farms or other suitable places. Within the bees’ flight area, the majority of food sources must consist of organically grown plants, forests or other natural vegetation.

At the moment we have bees in five apiaries, all located in mainland Åland. We have joined organic monitoring and we are allowed to sell the 2022 harvest as organic.
Our story: “Mum, mum, our forrest is full of flies!”
We’d thought before that we’d get bees. But it felt like we didn’t have time for that. Then one day the kids ran in and shouted, “Mom, Mom, our forest is full of flies!” Ulla could have shruged her shoulders and said, “Go play somewhere else.” But the idea of a swarm of bees immediately occurred to her.
After informing the beekeepers’ association and waiting a few hours for someone to come and get the swarm, we began to seriously discuss whether we should still catch the swarm ourselves and start beekeeping. And that’s what happened.
We got a phone number for a local bee supply store. From there we bought our first beehive with accessories, as well as beekeeping jacket and gloves. At midnight, Jarmo climbed a tree with a ladder and captured the swarm. We had become beekeepers within hours.
Honey recipes
Honey coconut balls
7.5 dl oatmeal
2.5 dl coconut flakes
200g honey
0,75 dl cocoa powder
250g soft butter
Mix all the ingredients. Shape into balls and roll in coconut flakes

Dressing with honey and lemon juice

Klockargatan 31, Jomala